Friday, December 14, 2007

Waiting game is being tossed out this weekend

It's the waiting game again.

We've decided that the only way to deal with the waiting involved in this process is to ignore it as much as possible and keep busy doing everyday things. So, instead of sitting by the phone waiting for the results of the liver biopsy Keith bought a new car (holy crap! he gave up his Mazda RX8 for a practical Saturn Vue that is easier to get in and out of); we're going to finish moving Keith's mom's stuff out of her apartment in South Florida (rather I will move the stuff and Keith will tell me how to do things, and I will tell him to... well, you get the picture); then we're going to have some FUN by decorating the house for the holidays (again, I set up the tree and everyone else tells me how to do it, and I tell them to ... ); and by going to Busch Gardens for awhile this Sunday when it is supposed to be chilly out (yah!!!).

Waiting is the enemy -- it is the spirit of negativity -- it is the stealer of enjoyment -- it turns everything sour. We refuse to be controlled by this monster any longer. Waiting is a waste of precious time, and if nothing else, we've learned that time really is precious and should never be squandered.

So, off we go to Del Rey Beach to pack up piles of dishes (Keith's mom has a thing about saving dishes for her granddaughters), and the last of her other stuff, -- using the bright and shiny gold Vue with the built-in hitch (perfect for towing a sailboat, Keith has explained in order to get me to be happy with the new car) and a little U-haul trailer.

Then off we go into the garage to try to find all those packed Christmas items and clutter up the house with them.

Then off we go to Busch Gardens to enjoy a beautiful day of cool breezes among the equally cool animals. No roller coasters allowed (damn!) but walking is good for the body and the soul and there is always a nice lunch to be had at the Crown Colony and baby animals in the nursery.

So in spite of this week's scares and delays we intend to enjoy this weekend and accomplish some stuff and be grateful for the time we spend together as a family.

Waiting is wasteful. Living is a better use of our time.

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