Wednesday, December 26, 2007

More good news

Today the doctors removed Keith's catheter and central line from his neck -- he's down to only an IV! He also is eating (sort of) now -- broth, jello, juice.

They have moved him to room 3305 and he is now out of the ICU.

His progress has been phenomenal so far -- let's keep our fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous, fabulous news! What a great way to end the year, with a positive eye on the new one. :)

Lilly said...

YAY!!!! So fantastic!!!

Can't wait to see you all and give you celebratory hugs :).

Please email me and let me know when it would be a good time to visit Keith at the hospital. I'm sure he's not getting enough sleep (Lord knows my mom never did, especially with nurses waking her up every couple of hours to take her vitals), so I don't want to visit when he's resting :).

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathy: This is great news!!! Our love you and Keith and everybody!!!

NOTE: I hope Keith gets a better TV when he gets out of ICU. I could only get two channels when I was in the hospital -- one was re-runs of M*A*S*H and the other was some holy roller station. Not exactly what 'ya wanna' watch post op.

We are thinking of you here in Georgia!!!