Monday, December 31, 2007

Blessings from heaven

Hi to all.

Well, true to the way this year has been going I was getting ready to go to the bat mitzvah early Saturday and had the dog run under my legs and knocked me down face first onto the kitchen floor. After a trip to the ER I found myself in a cast with a broken right wrist! plus bruised ribs etc.

So I am typing this very slowly with my left hand and wondering what the heck will happen next.

My sister said trouble is a blessing from God. I say, couldn't he bless someone else for awhile?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Catherine also spent the night in the ER fractured a none in my hand and stuck in a cast,really sucks as you know.Hows your pain and swelling?What color cast did you get?Feel free to email me,,David.